Kite Safety
Kite Safety Tips
Although rare, kites and kite flying can be dangerous. Kites should be flown in open areas, away from power lines, roads and people. If your kite gets caught in a power line, leave it! And report it you your Utility company.
- Be aware of where you are. If there is ever any question of safety, fly the kite in another location or on another day.
- Always keeps a safe distance between other fliers.
- If your kite becomes tangled in power lines, leave it there. Notify the utility company of the situation.
- Avoid kite eating trees.
- Fly near power lines.
- Fly near cars.
- Fly near airports.
- Fly in stormy weather or when a storm is approaching
Tip: You can avoid problems by limiting the length of line that children use.
Sun Warning: The most frequent injury during kite flying is sunburn. Be sure to protect yourself and your children from the sun with hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen.
Note: The second most frequent injury during kite flying is a cut or burn from the kite line. Do not allow the line to zip through your fingers. Do not use fishing line. For large kites, protect your hands by wearing leather gloves.
Safety Thoughts: In higher winds one must always be mindful of what will happen to your kite if it gets away from you. Ask yourself, where is the kite going to go? Am I going to hurt anyone or anything?
- String moving through the air at high speeds, and under tension can be very dangerous.
- High winds make the kite more unstable and can cause the kite to come crashing to the ground at a very high rate of speed.
- The spars in the kites, under these conditions, are like flying spears, and then you have to remember the string and what's between the string and the ground.