Spring is in the air and so are kites! April is National Kite Month!
Spring is in the air and so are kites! April is National Kite Month!
Kite makers and flyers are busy making and flying all across the United States and beyond!
To help Celebrate Kites In the Sky will be giving away 1 ready to fly kite with ever kite order during the month of April!
Kites In The Sky tests every type of kite we sell! The benefit of using tested kite kits that you know will fly takes the stress and worry out of planning your project or activity.
It seems this year there are more kite events than ever! To find a kite festival or event near you check out the AKA Kite Event Calendar
There is room is in the sky for everyone!
This month Free Drawing is for a 25 Pack of the Dermer Sled kite kit.
This kite has been a favorite of teachers and festival organizers for years. It’s small enough to fit on a school desk, it’s easy to trace pictures for really cool art.
Flys great in winds 2-18 mph!

Stand with the wind to your back, hold the flying line, (kite winder) with one hand and then let out line until your kite is about 30-40 feet in the air. If you kite flying well - then let it out more if you wish. Flying kites about 50 – 80 feet in the air is good for most small kites.